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Why Homework Plays an Important Role

Students don’t feel great about the homework they need to do at night because they have other more exciting options. Why? Their world includes cell phones, social networks, and other distractions. That’s why homework is vying for attention against tough competition, and most students choose a more interesting opportunity than doing it.

Some students think it’s boring, while others understand the true value and benefits of homework and they take their responsibility for doing everything correctly. That’s because they understand that it’s a top priority. Students need to realize that regular homework teaches them what they strong sides are and to where they must pay more attention.

10 Basic Homework Benefits

Why does the timely completion of academic assignments matter? Homework is highly beneficial because it does the following:

  1. Teaching students about the right time management;
  2. Teaching them how to set important priorities;
  3. Teaching how to solve different problems;
  4. Helping teachers estimate how well their students understand regular lessons and academic materials;
  5. Giving parents a good chance to see what their children learn in classes;
  6. Providing students with a great opportunity to review their class materials;
  7. Teaching them that they must do things even when they don’t have any interest or desire;
  8. Teaching students how to work independently;
  9. Teaching them how to take their responsibility in the entire educational process;
  10. Helping them understand the important role of taking action, planning, and effective organization.

Most Notable Homework Benefits for Students

Homework has been a part of the class ever since schools were established and “do my homework” is the most common question among students. Teachers assign homework so that pupils have something to work on in their spare time. There is nothing bad about this idea. Here are some of the most important homework benefits:

  • Homework makes students more responsible and develops time management skills. When they receive homework from different classes, students immediately start to manage their time so that they can complete all the assignments on time. Also, they know they are responsible for delivering the completed homework to their teachers.
  • One of the benefits of homework is perseverance. Most students will not manage to solve all the tasks the first time without guidance from their teacher. They need to try again and again, persevering until they succeed.
  • Students learn self-esteem through doing homework. If they cannot complete the assignments on time, they risk being ridiculed by their classmates and risk a low grade as well. Being able to consistently submit the work on time and do a great job at it immediately raises the self-esteem of students.
  • Homework teaches students how to stay organized, plan ahead and break complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. When one has to complete 4 different assignments in 3 days, one tends to be a lot more organized and attentive.
  • Homework gives students another chance to review class material. In many cases, students are not paying enough attention during class to learn everything. However, when they receive homework, they have to reread everything they wrote down (and even find additional information about some topics) to complete the assignments.
  • It helps to solve complex problems and learn how to work independently. When the teacher is not around to help the student, the student must take action and start working hard to complete the assignment on his or her own. The student learns that he or she must do things even when he or she doesn’t want to.
  • Another benefit of school chores is the fact that the teacher can gauge how much of his class was understood by his students. When the teacher looks over the homework, he or she immediately observes the points that were not properly understood by the class.
  • Homework teaches students that it is best to start early and work at your own pace that to start late and do a rush job. Students learn that every difficult task requires time to complete.
  • With homework, students are inclined to look for tips and tricks that help them become more efficient and knowledgeable. They may not realize it, but they are learning how to maximize their output and get more work done faster.

Can Someone Do My Homework For Me Without Any Risks To My Personal Confidentiality?

Probably the most frequently asked questions are connected with personal safety and confidentiality while using homework services. This is rather obvious because no one wants to have some troubles because of such kind of service.

When launching our website, we tried to make it as secure as possible for our clients. We implemented the latest system of data protection together with the most modern encrypting system of information gathering. Luckily, during the period of our resource’s functioning, we didn’t experience any troubles with the safety and confidentiality of our clients. That’s why there is no need to worry or hesitate about something like this when leaving your order «do my HW» on this specific resource.

We use secure connections (EV SSL)

All our databases are encrypted

Safe storage of your personal data

Our servers operate 99.9% of the time

If discussing those risks connected with the quality of the essays or other completed homework for you, the situation is also standard. As with most writing services, we have a serious hiring procedure when a person should prove his/her experience, level of education, and more. Only after this, homework writers can start working on the projects. So, there is no need to worry about the quality of the writing platform as well.

Why Do So Many Students Prefer Our Service?

Of course, the variability of services that offer to do my homework for money is enormous. The competition in this sphere is huge and every website wants to have more clients and do everything possible in order to reach this goal. Each homework writer in our company wants pretty much the same. We are constantly adding some new features, interacting with our users, and changing the interface due to your request.

That is why we ask you to provide as much information as possible while placing an order. Contact our support managers if you have very special requirements. We are attentive to every detail so your “do my homework for me online” problem will be solved in the best way.

When speaking about the factors that stand out Domyhomework.pro from other websites that do your homework for you, here are some of them:

  • Free and unlimited number of revisions. There might be some situations when clients expect to see some details and haven’t notified our homework writers about them. So, after the completion of the project, they may recollect some requirements or more. This means our team will try to do everything possible, to satisfy you and complete your homework in time. Don’t hesitate and ask to change whatever you think wasn’t correlating with the initial requirements in the order.
  • Write my homework according to certain formatting rules. There is no need to change anything in an already completed essay, we can do it for you. Just don’t forget to notify us about all the major requirements towards the citation style as well as give some examples if they are available. In case you need something standard like MLA, APA, or Harvard style you will need to share this information and that is all. However, for more unique formatting styles, it is required to give a little bit more details.
  • Get the final paper only when you are satisfied with the results. Since you make a payment, we start working on your writing. We are 24/7 on contact, so if you have any questions just message or call us.
  • Do homework for me according to the mentioned deadline. We seriously control not only the quality of the materials but also lots of other factors. And on-time delivery of the projects is our major goal. Those writers who cannot cope with challenges and solve my homework in time won’t work with us. You, as a user, can be sure of this.

These were mentioned only a couple of factors why so many students decide to use our resource. There are many more benefits that you will find out later in the article.

Is There A Necessity To Leave An Order «Do My Homework For Me» In Advance?

Well, in this case, each of our clients has various motivations and circumstances when they decide that someone should do my project for me. That’s okay and we are working with urgent tasks with the same high quality.

Nevertheless, ideally, our professionals would like to have more time to help with the request «do my homework for me». Moreover, you can save some money if you make an order a little bit earlier than right before the deadline.

Despite your decision, you don’t need to worry about the question: who can help me with academic writing? All our writers are extremely experienced and could deal with the most difficult assignments even when they have limited time-frames to complete this or that task.

Final Words about Homework

No matter how much your homework seems boring. Doing it can help you in a number of unimaginable ways. The next time you sit down you do your homework, ensure that you have a positive attitude and think how clever you’re getting because of it. It teaches you important life lessons (how to communicate with other people, how to read) that you will use in your adult future. How can homework help you? It also teaches you how to:

  • Think independently;
  • Solve all problems effectively;
  • Build your interest for an understanding of different issues in the society.

Homework is neither boring nor a waste of your time. There are many benefits that you can get with its help. Ensure that you have the skills necessary to write essays and complete your academic assignments on time to experience them.

If you have any homework problems or difficulties, our competent custom writing professionals and their reliable online services will come in handy and help you obtain homework benefits. Grab our helping hand when doing any complex or urgent homework.

Гарантия на выполненную работу

Бесплатные доработки

Гарантийные обязательства сервиса представлены на рисунке 15.

Рисунок 15 – Гарантийные обязательства сервиса.

Стандартно замечания принимаются в течение месяца после выполнения работы, но есть возможность заранее оговорить продление срока гарантии. Обоснованные замечания по качеству выполненной работы обрабатываются бесплатно, а стоимость внесения существенных изменений (отклоняющихся от заявленных первоначально требований) обсуждается с менеджером.

Как вернуть деньги

В соответствии с действующим законодательством, заказчик может отказаться от оказания услуг при условии оплаты фактически понесенных исполнителем расходов. Если вы хотите вернуть деньги за некачественно выполненный заказ, нужно обратиться в Отдел технического контроля сервиса, который проведет экспертизу и примет решение об обоснованности претензий.

В случае возврата денежных средств взимается комиссия за перевод (ее размер зависит от выбранного способа оплаты).

How can Homework Help Students?

Doing homework is important to all students because they get these great benefits:

  • Mastering effective problem-solving skills;
  • Training their time management and responsibility;
  • Practice makes perfect;
  • Increasing their perseverance level.

Training Time Management and Responsibility

These are important skills that all people should have to be successful in their lives. The good news is that homework can train them. When students need to do their homework in due dates, it’s necessary to ensure that they submit all assignments on time. Achieving this academic goal requires their responsibility and teaches people that they must do even the things they don’t want to do or they hate.

What if your homework doesn’t seem a big responsibility? Remember that it still allows you to take charge of what teacher ask you to do and teaches you to be ready for bigger responsibilities in the future. Many students take part in different extracurricular activities, and they need to do other things that take a lot of their time. That’s why it’s important to manage their time wisely.

Mastering Problem-Solving Skills

Students may fail to fully understand class materials or they may feel confused about their homework, which teaches them to solve problems. This ability is essential when you start working and having more responsibilities. Homework causes you to take direct problems (math questions) and solve them or determine how you can complete different projects to achieve the best results. You learn to take problems and think how you can solve them.

Improving Perseverance Levels

Homework is a certain commitment and students may not complete it fast because of their skills, distraction, etc. It develops a level of perseverance. Taking some time to do your homework even when you don’t see any possible way out teaches you to never give up and makes you feel good about your hard work. Homework plays a huge role in your work ethics because you’re more likely to achieve your success wherever you go if you persevere. Once you gain your perseverance, there’s nothing impossible.

Practice Makes Perfect

This famous statement supports all the advantages of doing homework because it provides students with a better chance to review their class materials to make everything clear and succeed. When you think more deeply and solve different problems based on your knowledge, you can remember class materials better with more practice.

Homework, house work, domestic work

Домашняя работа на английском языке в значении «задания, полученные на дом в школе или другом учебном заведении» — это homework. Ведь home — дом в значении места, где вы живете, а work — работа. Пишется только слитно, это единственный правильный вариант.

Домашние обязанности (уборка, стирка и другие домашние дела) — это house work. Потому что house — дом в значении здания, то есть мы делаем работу внутри здания, которое является нашим домом. Эти два слова в таком значении пишутся всегда раздельно.

Работа по дому, которая выполняется прислугой или няней (все та же домашняя уборка, но оплачиваемая) чаще называется domestic work.

Упражнения для самопроверки

  1. I need to do my chemistry ___
  2. I don’t feel my legs. This ___ makes me tired
  3. Don’t you want to help me with ___ or you prefer watching TV?
  4. What ___ do you have? — Writing an article
  5. Can you speak quietly? I am doing my ___
  6. Our mom is used to do all the ___
  7. Can you help me with my ___? I don’t understand this rule.
  8. My younger sister usually does her ___ in advance.
  9. The next lesson is tomorrow. How can I do my ___ in time?
  10. Look around! How long ago did you do the ___?

Homework Writing Help at Acemyhomework

Homework writing demands time and immense effort from students. After attending several classes, student are tired and don’t feel motivated to write their homework. Constrained with time which they need to allocate for their families and attend to the assignments, the only solution is to seek for homework writing help. Ace-myhomework is among the best places you can get help with your homework

At acemyhomework.com, we have top rated masters and PhD writers who will help you tacke that homework and score A+ grade. Our services covers all levels of education: high school, college, university undergraduate, masters and PhD academic level.

Final Thoughts

We have covered 11 smart options to get rid of the worst nightmare – assignments! They are different and provide various services, but each site is free. But sometimes students may run out of time and need a quality homework assignment ASAP instead of wasting time on reading guides or articles. In such case, it would be reasonable to try online writing services. 
One of the best online websites where students can obtain effective assistance along with the ready solutions is Just Do My homework. Their expert writers will help you with any type of academic assignment before the deadline is up. Entrust your homework to this online writing service and get a quality paper written by academic professionals! 

Контактные данные для связи

Номер службы клиентской поддержки – 8 (495) 108-13-36.

Заказать обратный звонок можно прямо на официальном сайте. В правом верхнем углу размещена специальная кнопка, кликнув на которую, пользователь разворачивает небольшую анкету. Для отправления обращения потребуется указать имя, номер для звонка, а также удобное время для консультации.

The following two tabs change content below.

Никита Аверин

В 2017 году окончил ФГБОУ ВО «Саратовский государственный технический университет им. Гагарина Ю.А.», г. Саратов, по направлению подготовки «Информатика и вычислительная техника». В настоящее время являюсь администратором сайта kabinet-lichnyj.ru. (Страница автора)

Последние записи автора — Никита Аверин

  • Теле-Маг – регистрация и возможности личного кабинета — 03.10.2021
  • ТЕВИС – регистрация личного кабинета для абонентов — 01.10.2021
  • Столичный учебный центр – как зарегистрировать личный кабинет — 30.09.2021

Восстановление пароля

Если не получается авторизоваться на сайте ХоумВорк из-за забытого пароля от кабинета, предлагается воспользоваться следующей инструкцией по восстановлению доступа:

  1. Через стартовую страницу перейти в раздел аутентификации клиентов или авторов ресурса.
  2. На https://hmwk.ru/login пол полями для ввода реквизитов кликнуть на «Не помню пароль».
  3. Открывается раздел https://hmwk.ru/login/restore-password.
  4. Ввести в поле свой электронный адрес, который изначально использовался и подтверждался при регистрации.
  5. Кликнуть на «Отправить».
  6. Получить дальнейшие инструкции по восстановлению доступа в письме, отправленном на e-mail.

Some Noteworthy Homework Cons

Although there are so many homework benefits, there are also a couple of cons. As with everything, there are some problems as well – especially when homework is used repressively or is assigned in large amounts over a short period of time.

  • Some teachers use homework as a form of repression. This is not helping students love the class and work on their assignments with pleasure. Instead, they are doing it out of fear, and it reflects in the quality of their homework.
  • Many times teachers fail to think about how much homework their students already have when they assign a new school chore. In many cases, students don’t get any free time for days, which negatively impacts their social life.
  • Some studies have found that homework doesn’t improve school performance. It doesn’t decrease it either. However, the same studies have concluded that there are no homework benefits and that students would learn just as much without it.

Bottom Line – Advantages of Homework

While there are some legitimate cons to homework, most people consider the advantages of homework to be worth the time students need to dedicate to it. However, students should get enough free time each day to disconnect from school and socialize with their friends and family. Failure to give young pupils time for socialization can have dramatic consequences over time. Even though the homework system is not the best by any means, it is better than encouraging the student to do nothing in his spare time (play video games until he falls asleep, in other words).

As long as homework does not put too much pressure on students, the benefits of school assignments are clear. Pupils learn to manage their time better, organize their projects better, reread all the class material, learn to find information from other sources, and even learn how to work independently. In addition, homework makes students more responsible and teaches them the value of self-esteem. Again, we are talking about a normal workload of homework. When students become stressed out and can’t find an hour or two each day to spend with their friends and family, we are already looking at a problem. But normal, regular homework should have only a positive impact on the pupil in the long term. But keep in mind, that whenever you need help with homework, you can get it with ease.

Stuck with your homework? Good news! Enter promo “homework20” and grab your unique writing assignment with 20% discount!

Как зарегистрироваться и войти в личный кабинет Homework

Отдельная форма регистрации на сайте не предусмотрена. Достаточно на главной странице начать заполнение данных о работе и указать электронную почту (рисунок 1).

Рисунок 1 – Заполнение данных для регистрации.

После нажатия на кнопку «Узнать стоимость» открывается личный кабинет (рисунок 2). Пароль приходит на почту.

Рисунок 2 – Личный кабинет после регистрации.

В верхней части личного кабинета размещена информация о балансе денежных средств, начисленных бонусах (при нажатии на них появляются сведения об условиях использования) и о самом клиенте.

При желании можно нажать на смайлик и перейти в профиль клиента (рисунок 3).

Рисунок 3 – Профиль клиента.

В профиле можно увидеть общую информацию о себе, изменить личные данные и настроить рассылки.

Форма редактирования личных данных представлена на рисунке 4. Рекомендуется указать фамилию, имя, отчество, город, вуз, факультет, специальность и курс – но ни одно из полей не является обязательным.

Рисунок 4 – Форма редактирования личных данных клиента.Рисунок 5 – Форма внесения контактной информации.

На последней вкладке можно изменить пароль (рисунок 6).

Рисунок 6 – Форма смены пароля.

Если Вы уже зарегистрированы, для входа в личный кабинет используется кнопка в верхнем правом углу главной страницы – «Личный кабинет». При нажатии на нее открывается форма входа, представленная на рисунке 7 – нужно ввести почту и пароль.

Рисунок 7 – Форма входа в личный кабинет.

Как создать заказ

Начать создание заказа можно прямо с главной страницы сайта – указать тип работы и тему. Тогда после перехода в личный кабинет система предложит уточнить детали требований к работе (рисунок 8). При желании шаг можно пропустить. Пожелания и требования можно внести в текстовое поле или прикрепить файлами.

Рисунок 8 – Указание детальных требований к работе.

На следующем шаге предлагается указать имя и номер телефона (рисунок 9), чтобы подтвердить заказ.

Рисунок 9 – Подтверждение заказа.

В завершение оформления заказа выводятся сведения по заказу и оценка его стоимости (рисунок 10).

Рисунок 10 – Завершение оформления заказа.

Зарегистрированные пользователи могут в кабинете нажать на кнопку «Новый заказ» в верхнем меню. В таком случае откроется форма описания заказа, представленная на рисунке 11.

Рисунок 11 – Оформление нового заказа.

Подтверждение происходит так же, как при оформлении заказа с главной страницы.

Acemyhomework Benefits

  • Improve your academic performance
  • Build bright future aspects
  • Free time to spend with your family and friends
  • Focus on your part-job and career
  • Work on the homework that is interesting to you
  • Have more time on your hobbies
  • Get homework writing help from ace-myhomework professional writers.

Quality Papers only

We ascertain that you get the highest grades in your assignment writing. Our professionals are committed towards offering quality services that will assist you in scoring your dream grades.

PhD & Skilled Professors

We have a team of qualified writers who have been handling papers from diverse academic fields for a prolonged period. The authors and unemployed professors are equipped with the necessary knowledge to ace your homework

Top Rated Homework Writing Help

Our professional writing service is the ideal choice for every student who wishes to obtain better grades and ensure his/her academic success! You can count on us – our purpose is to help students from all over the world, by supplying the best custom writing services in the field!

Регистрация личного кабинета

Чтобы начать сотрудничество с ХоумВорк, студенту потребуется выполнить ряд обязательных действий.

  1. Оформить заявку.
  2. Получить доступ к личному кабинету.
  3. Внести предоплату.
  4. Доверить выполнение работы компетентному сотруднику.
  5. Получить уведомление о готовности работы.
  6. Внести доплату.
  7. Получить заказ.

Оформление заявки заключается в заполнении небольшой анкеты: тип работы, конкретная тема, адрес электронной почты для обратной связи. Среди доступных видов услуг:

  • дипломная;
  • курсовая;
  • контрольная;
  • решение задач;
  • реферат;
  • научно-исследовательская работа;
  • отчёт по практике и прочее.

Чтобы сотрудники смогли оценить уровень сложности работы и наметить конкретный план действий по её написанию, следует уточнить дополнительно предмет, а также пожелания или требования к работе.

Регистрация исполнителей

На портале могут зарегистрироваться и авторы. Чтобы начать зарабатывать, потребуется не только заполнить анкету, но и пройти процедуру аккредитации. Форма для заполнения состоит из нескольких шагов:

  • адрес электронной почты (логин для дальнейшей авторизации на портале);
  • персональная информация;
  • сведения о квалификации.

После успешного прохождения собеседования пользователь сможет выполнять заказы и получать за них фиксированную плату.

Правила оформления домашней работы по английскому

Если это заголовок, который пишется перед началом самой работы, то в российских и украинских школах и высших учебных заведениях действуют одни и те же требования к оформлению. А именно:

  • Первая буква заглавная, остальные строчные
  • Слово пишется посередине строки, либо чуть левее середины.
  • Если это начало страницы, либо работа пишется на отдельном листе, Homework пишется сверху
  • В школьных тетрадях и тетрадях для конспектов принято отступать четыре клеточки или две линии от предыдущих записей, затем после «домашняя работа» без дополнительных отступов начинается само задание.

Также перед Homework обычно пишется день недели, число и месяц, когда работа была выполнена. Есть два варианта написания. Первый — цифрами на полях (если британский вариант, то идет день-месяц-год, если американский, то месяц-день-год). Второй вариант — словами: Monday, the second of May). Не забываем, что день недели и месяц в английском пишутся с заглавной буквы.

Затем переходим к номеру упражнения. Чаще всего по середине после Homework пишется слово Exercise (или просто Ex.), затем номер, и в скобочках страница в учебнике. Намного реже вместо этого используется Task.

В итоге получается, что в тетради по английскому правильно оформленное ДЗ будет выглядеть примерно так:

Monday, the eleventh of September Homework Exercise 7 (143)

На этом все. Надеемся, эта статья вам помогла.

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Homework Help for High School

Below you will find 5 best homework help websites that may assist you in high-school. These sites may be useful even if you are studying at college.


Looking for a school help website to address your homework-related queries? Answers is a website to consider while studying at school or college. Here, you can get answers for most questions on various subjects. But do not rely on each response you see. Students like you may leave their replies there, but they are not 100% correct. In some cases, students may find sufficient explanations to their questions on this website. Still, it is important to read more information on who posted this or that answer to see whether you can trust this person.

Khan Academy

Khan academy provides valuable, detailed interpretations of multiple concepts. A Harvard’s graduate launched this non-commercial project some time ago to let every student from across the globe obtain a high-quality education in any part of the world. Both high-school and college students can find more than 4,200 study collections related to:

  • Math
  • History
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Astronomy
  • Physics
  • Healthcare & medicine
  • Arts & visual arts
  • Computer science

On top of that, this site provides assistance with college application exams. SAT, ACT and GMAT are just a few of them. 

Discovery Education

Discovery Education is one of the best websites to help with homework. It creates standards-based digital content for K-12. You can find multiple digital books, multimedia files, and other resources for professional growth in the chosen field. The website is available in more than 50 countries. The goal of the project is to both assist young students with their projects and inspire them to learn more about a future career.

Paul’s Online Math Notes

Paul’s Online Math Notes belongs to the category of math homework help websites. If Math is the worst nightmare for you, it will be a real blessing! Students can even use available cheat sheets in class – watch out not to get into trouble! This homework help site can help with all disciplines related to Math. 
Find different math notes and tutorials to succeed in the following subjects:

  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Calculus III
  • Differential Equations

The notes are simple! Train by solving math problems to get ready for the class.

Math Pickle

This website is one of the best answers to the question, “What website can help me with my math homework?” It is a common request among the high-school students. Unlike the previous option on the list, this math homework website is more of a fun & entertainment type. The primary goal of this online platform is to offer the best K-12 Math topics, interactive videos and presentations, and fun games to solve problems.

After observing homework help websites for high school, some students may be interested in exploring some good websites for college.

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