Microsoft courses

Зачем нам нужны языковые правила, и кто их выдумывает?

Модуль посвящен тому, кто именно устанавливает языковые правила и речевые нормы; какие именно факторы должны учитывать исследователи при квалификации отдельного варианта произношения или написания в качестве нормированного, а также — необычной и примечательной способности языковой нормы сочетать в себе взаимоисключающие признаки, основным из которых является устойчивость / изменчивость. Слушатели узнают, как в литературной форме языка реализуются такие аспекты, как инструментальный, функциональный, этический и эстетический. Лектор расскажет, почему разговорная и просторечная лексика не подчиняется литературной норме, нужно ли с ней бороться, чем обусловлено ее наличие в языковой системе; что такое устаревшая лексика; для чего нужны жаргонизмы и как они появились.

Hours to complete
2 hours to complete

7 videos (Total 56 min)

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Engaging and Motivating Students + Evaluation Strategies

‘Module 7: Engaging and Motivating Students’ explores various strategies for engaging and motivating your students in a range of different online learning scenarios. It discusses the important roles that curriculum design, activity structure, the relevance of the chosen technology, and effective time management play in creating an enthusiasm for learning in your students. ‘Module 8: Evaluation Strategies’ examines the importance of evaluating your online teaching practice to ensure that it is effective, and to give you an opportunity to constantly improve. This is especially important when you are first developing an online teaching practice, or when you are trying something new for the first time. We will explore an evaluation strategy based upon four reflective angles: self reflection, peer observations, student feedback, and theory. The module also introduces the concept of learning analytics as an informative tool to enable up to the minute evaluation of your online class.

Hours to complete
4 hours to complete

19 videos (Total 93 min), 2 readings, 6 quizzes

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Why is Online Teaching Important + Open and Institutionally Supported Technologies

‘Module 1: Why is Online Teaching Important’ is about understanding where you are in the current educational landscape, and determining where you want to be. We will explore why online teaching is relevant to your teaching practice, and you’ll have an opportunity to reflect upon the opportunities and challenges you face in your own context. ‘Module 2: Open and Institutionally Supported Technologies’ focuses on helping you understand the benefits and restrictions of both broad categories of technologies. We’re all familiar with different social media technologies, and many of us will be aware of larger institutional online learning systems. In this module we will ask you to think about the reasons why you might want to use freely available online tools for your teaching — or your institution’s learning management system. Important considerations such as which types of technologies are suitable for a range of different activities will also be explored.

Hours to complete
4 hours to complete

12 videos (Total 54 min), 6 readings, 6 quizzes

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Planning Online Learning + Online Learning Activities

‘Module 3: Planning Online Learning’ will explore the importance of planning online learning from a pedagogical perspective rather than a technology driven one. Careful planning is one of the most important aspects of teaching online, and success often depends upon taking the time to consider all of the different aspects of the online learning experience before you begin. The content and activities will explore the concepts of constructive alignment, choosing which aspects of a class are best done online or face-to-face, building digital literacy capabilities within your students, and examining your own motivations for wanting to teach online in the first place. ‘Module 4: Online Learning Activities’ will identify important considerations you need to keep in mind when developing online learning activities for your students. We will offer advice about how to plan an online activity, and help you think about which may be appropriate for your own students. When you are new to the process, understanding which online technology best supports different learning activities can be daunting. This module, along with a range of case studies, and activities, will explore the relationship between different technologies and specific activities in more depth.

Hours to complete
3 hours to complete

16 videos (Total 101 min), 2 readings, 5 quizzes

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Online Assessment Strategies + Online Resources

‘Module 5: Online Assessment Strategies’ discusses the notions of formative and summative assessment in online contexts. We will also explore benefits and considerations that you’ll need to keep in mind if you’re considering adopting an online assessment strategy in your own teaching, and how using technology can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the assessment process. ‘Module 6: Online Resources’ discusses the benefits of using open educational resources (OER), and other online resources in your classes. We will also identify issues to be aware of when using resources that you discover, in terms of licensing and Creative Commons. You will be given the chance to explore several examples of online resources via the activities and associated resources for the module. How to evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of resources you find online is also explored.

Hours to complete
3 hours to complete

11 videos (Total 63 min), 2 readings, 5 quizzes

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«Победю» или «побежу»? (Морфологические и фонетические нормы современного русского языка)

Лекции модуля посвящены ряду языковых трудностей: проблеме определения рода у несклоняемых заимствованных существительных; правилам, регулирующим образование отдельных форм глагола

Уделяется внимание вопросу о том, почему некоторые глаголы не образуют отдельные личные формы и как можно решить эту проблему. Фонетическая система русского языка сложилась достаточно давно: когда именно это произошло, что с тех пор изменилось и какие закономерности в области постановки ударения и произношения отдельных звуков и сейчас существуют – речь об этом также пойдет в данном модуле

Hours to complete
1 hour to complete

5 videos (Total 42 min)

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Заимствованная лексика: нужна ли она языку и в каком количестве?

В модуле пойдет речь о том, чем различные виды заимствованных слов отличаются друг от друга: какие заимствования можно назвать «варваризмами», а какие – экзотизмами; или, например, к какому виду заимствований можно отнести названия брендов. Лектором рассмотрены внеязыковые и внутриязыковые причины заимствований и освещен вечный спор архаистов и новаторов. Из материалов модуля слушатели узнают, в какие именно исторические периоды эти споры были особенно горячими и кто из писателей и видных общественных деятелей отстаивал в них различные точки зрения.

Hours to complete
1 hour to complete

5 videos (Total 32 min)

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About this Course

88,474 recent views

Are you an educator? Have you ever wanted to understand more about how to design your class to make better use of educational technology – whether fully online or in blended contexts? Would you like to learn from those who have extensive practical experience with online technologies?

The Learning to Teach Online (LTTO) MOOC will help you develop a working understanding of successful online teaching strategies that you can apply in your own practice. The course is based upon the multi award winning open educational resource developed by Dr Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson.

Integrating online technologies into your teaching can be a challenging prospect, and it can be difficult to know how to approach it effectively for the benefit of both students and yourself. No one knows your own content and teaching strengths better than you, and the “one size fits all” formula doesn’t always suit everyone. No matter what type of technology you are interested in exploring or your level of experience, this course will help you draw on your teaching strengths and find the approach that is right for you, your students and your educational context.

This course will guide you through your journey of understanding how online technologies can enhance your course design. You will have the opportunity to develop your understanding of effective online teaching practices and their relationship to the use of different technologies. You will also be encouraged to progressively design and reflect upon your own online learning activity, assessment or resource for use in your own class if you choose to undertake the course assignments.

Flexible deadlines

Flexible deadlines
Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.

Shareable Certificate

Shareable Certificate
Earn a Certificate upon completion

100% online

100% online
Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.

Beginner Level
Beginner Level

Hours to complete
Approx. 18 hours to complete

Available languages

Subtitles: Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish

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