Reviews about SSUGT
Professor Raphael EHIGIATOR- IRUGHE, University of Benin, Nigeria (2009-2012)
Given the time I spent at SSUGT as a Ph.D. student, the impact on my career has been proportionally enormous. It was essential that I came to Russia because I had chosen to write my thesis there. I should also add here it was very difficult for a Nigerian to study in Siberia because of its cold weather.
In fact, my time at SSUGT has proved very decisive in my career development for a number of reasons, both past and present. In the past, thanks to the assistance of University I was able to undertake all the necessary background reading from primary source material in the SSUGT academic library. My thesis became radically different – and much more accurate – finally adding up to an opus magnum of 90,000 words – which made a significant contribution to knowledge and awareness of significant Russian scientists.
There are, however, certain opportunities which come one’s way and which can transform life forever – and this was the case with my study-time in Novosibirsk. One thing leads to another: without the experience of studying at SSUGT, I would never have been appointed to a University in Benin. What is curious about life is that some of your early experiences can turn out to be highly valuable much later in life without you even being aware of it. My experience at SSUGT – and particularly the knowledge of Russian Language that I acquired there – also turned out to be vital to my career.
Due to a career change, I stopped being a lecturer and became head of the Department of Geodesy and one of the University managers instead. My experience has shown that all knowledge is useful, but you often don’t know at what point in your career will become essential to your success. In my case, my study at SSUGT has proved to be valuable at both ends of my career – when I started out as a young lecturer – and much later. I recommend all students to take full advantage of the chance to study at SSUGT when the opportunity arises!
Axel Dieter Pohlmann, President of DVW Saxony, State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Germany (1983-1988)
When I first arrived in Novosibirsk, it was 1983. I was a DDR exchange programme student studying Geodesy at Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography, now – Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. There I spent five years, got married to a beautiful Russian girl and had my first child born. In 1988, straight after studying in Novosibirsk, I went back to Germany where my professional career started. Now I can honestly say that it was my time at NIIGAiK which made the greatest impression and has shaped my life and career ever since.
Not only did I get the profession, improve my Russian a thousandfold, but I made friendships, many of which have lasted to this day. I hope that every SSUGT student now gains as much from their studies as I did during my time in Novosibirsk where I learned adaptability, compassion, intercultural skills and an appreciation for the important things in life. Novosibirsk is where I grew up and where a little part of my soul was born.
Ian Chirewa, SSUGT first year student (Zimbabwe)
I first came to Novosibirsk in 2019, nothing special, just a Zimbabwean guy who came to Siberia to get to know the true Russia and learn its beautiful, though difficult, language.
I fell in love with the city the moment I came here. Everything was great – the place, the climate, the people. Since I came here on a state exchange program I knew exactly what and where I would continue my further studies at the University — I enrolled with the Institute of Geodesy and Management of SSUGT, studying Mining. Although I have been here for a rather short time, for me SSUGT is primarily the people who work and study there. I appreciate their kindness and helpfulness. I was surprised at how patient the teachers are with foreign students.
SSUGT is one of the two leading geodetic universities in Russia with a long history. Its academic staff are highly professional and its education programs are of a high standard. The University is not only giving me the chance to get closer my goal and learn Russian, but also has become a true home for me, here I can develop my personality and determine what I want to do in life.
I think, thanks to SSUGT, Russia will have become my second homeland and I will always remember the University and all my friends there.
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Никита Аверин
В 2017 году окончил ФГБОУ ВО «Саратовский государственный технический университет им. Гагарина Ю.А.», г. Саратов, по направлению подготовки «Информатика и вычислительная техника». В настоящее время являюсь администратором сайта kabinet-lichnyj.ru. (Страница автора)
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О вузе
Дата основания учебного заведения – 28 февраля 1933 года. Тогда в Омске был создан САИ – Сибирский астрономогеодезический институт. Число студентов составило 75 человек. В следующем году институт переместился в Новосибирск и получил название НИИГАиК. Было зачислено 50 студентов. В военные годы обучение не останавливалось. Каждый год увеличивалось количество поступающих. Например, в 1960 году НИИГАиК принял на обучение 400 студентов. Число выпускников составило 100 человек.
За годы существования учебное заведение неоднократно меняло свое наименование. Последний приказ о переименовании отдан Министерством образования. В 2014 году СГУГиТ получил сегодняшнее название. Сегодня СГУГиТ обладает большими ресурсами и опытным преподавательским составом. Учреждение оснащено современным оборудованием для ведения образовательного процесса. Применяются инновационные методики для повышения качества образования.
За время существования СГУГиТ его стены покинули 20 тысяч специалистов. Новосибирский университет – это крупный научный комплекс развитой структурой. В составе СГУГиТ находится 18 кафедр и 4 института. Занятия проводятся в 2 корпусах. Кроме того, вуз открыл отделения в районах Новосибирска. Работают представительства за пределами города. Благодаря современным информационным технологиям налажена компьютерная сеть между всеми подразделениями СГУГиТ.
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